Assalamualaikum and hi guys! I am so excited to share with you a piece of my writing in this blog. Hope you will enjoy it!


By: Nisaki

What a dull morning. It's raining. Looks like there was a storm last night. Here comes the monsoon season.
My hand is shaking, my whole body is shivering. The coldness is excruciating.
Slowly I blow my warm breath into my palms. As I stare into the dark sky. Full of hope.

Still now, the atmosphere is cold. I totally hate it. I hate coldness more than anything.
It's gloomy, nothing less than agony and I wonder.. "Where is the sun?","When will this coldness go away?
and the warmth..when will it come back?"

Then I said to myself, "This has to stop."
I can't change the weather. No matter how bad my heart yearn for the sunny days to come. I can't do anything. I don't have the power to change the weather. But I do realise the only one power that I have in me. That is to change myself first. Start doing something. I am the one who has control over my action and I'm not going to let my emotions dictate me. I'm not going to surrender to the situation. Not anymore!

So, instead of looking and waiting for the bright sun to appear.
I shift to look at the bright side of my life.
Maybe things aren't so bad as I thought it is.
Maybe I can dance in the rain. Savour the thing that had been given to me. Is this a test? Or just, in fact, a blessing in disguise?

Should I just keep waiting? For the condition to change for the better? Yes, change is inevitable. Whether it is a bad thing or a good thing. Life is nothing more than a rolling wheel. That constantly rolling. Sometimes things are bad, sometimes it gets better. Bad times, good times. That just the way it is. Just like the way it always is. So am I just going to wait and do nothing? Letting every valuable moment of my life slipping by just like that from my grasp?

No! Time is life. I refuse to surrender. Surrender to myself especially.
Dear me, I am not going to keep weeping and complaining.
Dear me, I am going to start accepting life for what it is. Enjoying every minute of my life. No matter what happens. It is up to me. I am the one who will decide whether to be sad or happy, to keep fighting or to lose the fight without even trying. No one is going to do it for me.
So, I get myself a warm cup of tea and a thick comfortable blanket.
My sight continues to explore aimlessly into the painting of nature. Then, I decide to continue reading my favourite book.

This time, I choose to savour the moment.
Things don't change. My perspective does. Not so long after, I start to pay attention to the sound of nature. Shifting between reading the book and appreciating nature occasionally. Listening attentively to every drop of the rain. Beautiful pure water from the sky. The backyard view from my room's window is truly astounding. The lush greenery and the atmosphere is so calming. What a blessing! How weird it is that I had never realised any of these before.
When I pay attention to it much closer I can hear the sound of rainwater that drops into the drain outside.


Producing sound which forms such a tranquil melody that soothes my ear. A warm smile cracked on my cold face. Wondering why have not I realise this sooner. Maybe things aren't so bad as I thought it is.

If I accept what happens and continue to enjoy the bright side of my life.

Nisaki 🌻


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